
College Strategic Plan Project

As announced by President Cassidy on September 28, 2022, Bryn Mawr College has launched a new strategic planning project to help our community envision our goals and aspirations for the future.

The process has centered around four areas of inquiry designed to include community engagement and to create bold ideas that will move our campus forward in the coming years. We have dived deeply into what makes our campus unique, strong, and vibrant, 并探索了潜在的新增长领域和机会.

On February 15, 2024, all students, faculty, 工作人员收到了战略工作组调查结果摘要的电子邮件.

Read the Summary of Findings

Areas of Inquiry

这些调查领域将为四个工作组(由受托人组成)提供框架, faculty, staff, students, 和管理人员)将启动我们的战略规划过程. The point of starting with questions rather than firm categories of ideas is to broaden our thinking and identify overarching goals, 我们未来身份的关键优先事项和关键方面. 这些承诺将提供指导和方向,我们将需要形成一个特定的战略计划或方向. 他们还将帮助我们把我们的计划与更大的高等教育背景联系起来. The questions are meant as general frames. 预计在每个问题的一般参数范围内, 工作组将有自由确定其方向和工作. 

Read more about the areas of inquiry

Detweiler (2021) has recently shown that a vibrant intellectual residential academic community is related to long-term positive life outcomes. Bryn Mawr has aspired to be such a community, 在实现这一愿望的过程中,既有优势也有局限. What would be required to realize our full potential as a vibrant and engaging academic community for undergraduate students, graduate students, faculty and staff? Are there existing programs, 阻碍学院实现这一目标的结构和制度? How radical would new programs, approaches and systems need to be to differentiate us in the marketplace and would a more radical approach be attractive to prospective students, faculty and staff? 在创建学术社区方面进行更深入的投资会加强学生的体验吗, as measured by higher retention rates, graduation rates, alumnae/i satisfaction? 我们需要进行什么样的结构性改革和投资才能创造一个可持续的模式? 我们如何在组织咨询和推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜的方式中考虑这一优势.g. 生活-学习社区)和课外计划? 这将如何影响教师/学生/员工的归属感和包容性体验?

本科学生的最佳人数是多少?  本科生人数增长对学生校园体验的战略优势是什么, faculty and staff as compared to our current size?  What criteria should we use to evaluate the optimal size? How do externalities (impending demographic cliff, interest of international students, 转学生的成长潜力)影响我们的选择和他们的结果?  这些选择对收入和成本的影响和限制是什么  它们将如何影响/塑造我们的可用资源以及我们如何使用它们?  对我们的住宿能力和我们成为一个完全住宿的校园的承诺有什么影响? What are the implications of changing the size of the undergraduate college for pursuing “no loan” or “need blind” financial aid policies?  What role do transfer students play in shaping our optimal enrollment and how do we offer a pathway program that enables them and other first-generation students to thrive?

推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜的学术使命是什么?我们如何定义跨学科和学科性? What do we value about both curricular paradigms? 我们如何投资于我们的院系,以便教师能够在他们的专业领域和专业领域培训学生, should they so desire, also contribute to the courses and programs that connect our curricular endeavors and inspire interdisciplinary inquiry across our campus?  我们如何在不稀释/耗尽部门和部门资源的情况下支持跨学科项目? 我们如何明确通过部门和项目的途径, majors and minors, so that students understand the distinctions between and among such academic opportunities and decide on the sorts of courses and contexts that will enrich their undergraduate experience and position them for different post-graduate trajectories? 我们的要求是如何帮助或阻碍我们学术使命的实现的? What are the implications of our queries for our students, faculty, and our relationships with external academic partners?

布林莫尔的优势、能力和资源是什么? Which of them can be better leveraged to create reliable (and potentially alternative) revenue streams within our existing time and space constraints without detracting or distracting from our core mission/ programs?  社会上有什么变化、机遇和挑战.g.,人口,技术,环境,新知识/技能需求等.)? 我们如何才能做好准备,使BMC在未来十年乃至更长时间内蓬勃发展? Are there promising possibilities beyond the traditional academic year and beyond BMC’s traditional undergraduate population?  Are there places we may want to streamline or allow ourselves to stop doing something so that we can free up resources to invest in our core mission/programs and current priorities? 

Working Groups

每个调查领域将由一个由教师组成的工作组领导, staff, students, administrators, and trustees, who along with community input will work toward a goal of submitting action proposals near the end of spring semester 2023. 小组将由一名教师和一名工作人员共同领导,成员应该每周参加一次 meetings lasting 1-2 hours, plus occasional work in between meetings, during fall and spring semesters.

All members of the Bryn Mawr community were invited to participate and all those who applied were assigned to their group of interest. 

Working Group Reports

Working Group #1 Working Group #2 Working Group #3 Working Group #4

Emergent Opportunities

Update 02.13.24 Tactics that have Emerged for More Immediate Potential Action from the Strategic Planning Working Group Documents and Questions/Actions that Require More Exploration

Our strategic planning foundation process produced opportunities for more immediate action in addition to longer-term opportunities that require more discussion with the community and with our new president.  以下是报告中确定的已处于不同行动阶段的项目清单.  在文件的最后是长期项目和问题的列表.

Working Group Members

Board of Trustees Representatives

  • Mary Clark
  • Lorelai Vargas

Senior Staff Representative

  • Tim Harte, Provost*

Student Representatives

  • Abhi Suresh
  • Marcos Cadena
  • Kate Southerland
  • Clara Schilling

Staff Representatives

  • Matt Gray
  • Charles Heyduk
  • Mary Beth Horvath
  • Beth Kotarski
  • Tonja Nixon
  • Kelsey Obringer

Faculty Representatives

  • Leslie Cheng*
  • Maria Cristina Quintero

Athletics Faculty Representatives

  • Paul Stinson
  • Katie Tarr


Board of Trustees Representatives

  • Kiki Jamieson
  • Amy Loftus
  • Ruth Lindborg

Senior Staff Representative

  • Cheryl Horsey, Chief Enrollment Officer*

Faculty Representatives

  • Kaylea Berard*
  • Jonas Goldsmith

Staff Representatives

  • Caitlin Brown
  • Christine D'Ascenzo
  • Jeanine Molock
  • Sakinah Rahman
  • Nichole Reynolds
  • Jodi Mulhall (HC)

Board of Trustees Representatives

  • Lore Perine

Senior Staff Representative

  • Brooke Jones, Chief Investment Officer*

Faculty Representatives

  • Penny Armstrong
  • Jen Callaghan
  • Xumei Cheng
  • Madhavi Kale
  • Mike Noel
  • Lisa Saltzman
  • Catherine Slusar

Student Representatives

  • Abby Fortune
  • Jamie Frueh

Staff Representatives

  • Janet Shapiro*
  • Sarah Theobald
  • Erin Walsh
  • Laura McGrane (HC)

Board of Trustees Representatives

  • Lore Perine
  • Gina Kim

Senior Staff Representative

  • Kari Fazio, Chief Financial and Administrative Officer*
  • Bob Miller, Chief Alumnae/i Relations & Development Officer

Faculty Representatives

  • Paul Hintz
  • Anita Kurimay

Student Representatives

  • Daniella Jacob
  • Colin Webster
  • Lia Wong-Fodor

Staff Representatives

  • Sharon Bain
  • Nina Bisbee
  • Katie Krimmel
  • Sarah Robertson
  • Tracy Weber

Project Timeline

Summer 2022: Planning process and draft of questions created by the senior staff from June Board of Trustees retreat discussion and working sessions led by leaders of peer institutions that have recently completed strategic planning.

Fall 2022: Steering committee and working groups launched, and initial brainstorming by working groups collected for market testing with prospective students in collaboration with higher education strategic planning firm Art & Science

Spring 2023: Art & Science engages with prospective and admitted students on collected concepts and ideas while working groups engage the campus community for additional feedback and ideas. Working groups develop key ideas and priorities for further consideration and submit action proposals to the steering committee.

2023年秋季:指导委员会将工作组的建议纳入Art提供的调查结果文件草案 & Science research. 

2024年春季:指导委员会与社区分享调查结果草案,以进一步完善. 社区讨论围绕结果展开,然后发布最终文档. 

Town Hall

四个工作小组于1月25日举行了社区市政厅会议, 2023, and below are the presentations from each group. 

Working Group 1 Working Group 2 Working Group 3 Working Group 4


Town Hall Follow Up

We would like to underscore that Working Group 2 has expanded our definition of optimal enrollment to include optimal student experience, enrollment composition, and retention.

Following the Campus-wide Town Hall, 我们在讨论期间收到要求考虑下列问题的请求. We have also included some updates below.

•与通过项目支持咨询学生的办公室交谈的重要性, 例如职业和公民参与/解决资金需求, career connections, Praxis, and experiential learning: the working group identified early on in our discussions that Career and Civic Engagement would be an office we would invite to one of our weekly meetings to listen to their perspectives on these issues. We look forward to that discussion later this semester. 

•学生支持人员的压力,如心理咨询、咨询、职业咨询等. already experience at our current size:  these pressure points are being considered in our discussions and we have spoken with many Student Life offices as a result (as reflected in our revised key questions we presented at the Town Hall).  We have also further modified one of the central questions in the charge we received to emphasize our focus on concerns: 障碍/压力点在哪里(学生、教师、员工、设施、项目等).) at our current size (1,以达到我们对学生学术体验的期望?

•关于留学需求:我们将向Tracy Weber咨询, Director of Global Education.

• On the inclusion of housekeeping in the conversation:  the directors of Facilities and of Residence Life have each been asked about housekeeping in our meetings with them.  此外,我们将征求客房主管Denise Romano的反馈意见. 

•如何鼓励更平衡地利用布林莫尔和哈弗福德资源, 包括课程设置:我们在会议上讨论了Bi-Co的资源, 哈弗福德学院的一名工作人员是我们工作小组的成员.  We are meeting with student focus groups and will include questions to gain a better understanding of how Bryn Mawr students may be able to benefit more from Haverford resources than at present.

•关于麦克布莱德学者项目:学院希望招收一个有竞争力和多样化的班级(传统年龄), nontraditional age/ transfers, etc.). 麦克布莱德学者为学生群体的丰富性做出了贡献.

我们对迄今为止收到的反馈表示感谢, and we welcome more comments and questions.


Questions about the process can be directed to officeofthepresident@ligalocalvaldepenas.com